Speaking Programs with Ward Cameron

I am an author, naturalist, historian, storyteller, and consultant. For the past 35 years, I’ve been documenting the natural and human history of the Rockies. This has helped to establish me as a recognized expert on the nature, history and trails of the Canadian west. Let me help make your next meeting memorable.

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Building A Railway – Making A Nation

When one thinks of the history of the Canadian west, two great events stand out–the fur trade which opened a vast land to exploration and the building of the Canadian Pacific Railway.

This ribbon of steel is the tie that binds this country together, and the building of this railway is one of Canada’s epic adventures. Men came from all walks of life in an attempt to breach the mountain barrier.

For many, the mountains were victorious, and their lonely graves have long been lost. Others followed in their footsteps and eventually were successful.

This story contains all the elements of an Indiana Jones movie, and best of all, it’s true!

Listen to this presentation live on the internet

Some Highlights

  • learn the importance of having big dreams, and focusing your resources towards accomplishing these goals
  • push beyond self-imposed limits
  • believe in yourself–just because it’s never been done, doesn’t mean it can’t be done by you!
  • nothing worth doing is ever done without total commitment

Mountain Magic

The Canadian West offers an excellent opportunity to view nature at its finest. The rolling plains give way to the Rockies, which in turn give way to a diversity of smaller ranges as you continue west towards the coast.

Each range has a distinct mixture of plants and animals that reflect the differing landscape and varying climatic conditions.

This presentation is designed to bring the landscape to life with its mixture of visual images along with discussions of the many methods by which the plants and animals have adapted to their rugged home.

Some Highlights

  • the building the Rockies were only the beginning of an ongoing process of change and erosion
  • meet the mighty grizzly, the wily coyote, and the ornery elk
  • learn about the unique research presently being undertaken in our western mountains

Why Choose Ward?